Wednesday, October 15, 2008 is in the air

the kids letting their creative energy flow - maybe a response to baby #3:

nathan working on his mad dash of strokes

...puttin' on the final touches (pants optional)

Syd not willin' to be outdone by her brother...likes the controlled, broad strokes

...and her end product

nathan livin' the life of a misunderstood artist

cruisin' on his new bike

syd ridin' her new set of wheels...everything must be purple

september...the month of Syd

the month of September found Syd trying to discover who she really is... she the intellectual?

...maybe the bridge between humans and unicorn?

...a magician?

...a punk?

...maybe a clone of "the mama"?

final decision..."a monkey's life is the life for me"

august...round 2

more fun in the month of august:

syd...never too shy for a candid

kids start dressin' themselves "crazy"

syd at the local "watering hole"

a little bribe never hurt anyone

more hugs for "paco junior", as syd likes to call herself

nathan hangin' at school

august...more good times

kids continue to be a blast and love spending time with each other. anything Nathan does, Syd follows and Nathan won't do anything without his lil' sis.

working on some moves after watching the local production of "Beat Street"

Syd working on her end game

...anything you can do

...i can do better

syd workin' the camera

hangin' in the local mountain streams

relaxin' with "the mama" after a long day of hiking

July...a short excursion to Portland,OR

after much delay, we finally made it to Portland to hang out with our "west coast family":

why not start off with a nice family shot

nathan and max enjoyin' the local fountain

syd spreadin' some love to ada

nathan enjoyin' his "caged kitty" sister

always willing to dish out some kisses (poor...poor...syd)

our squeezable little one

july...more crazy times

July...some shots to close out the month:

hangin' with the Mama

...but i don't want to be a pirate

fun times at the public library

enjoying some "vegan" cupcakes

Syd embracin' the cowgirl lifestyle

chillin' on the beanbags with some tube

july...the month of sibling love

the kiddies really enjoyin' each other and spending the q.t. together:

hangin' in the new bike carrier (thanks Nee Nee)

practicing for baby #3 (expected to pop out in April)

...and you may find yourself in another part of the world

Nathan to Syd..."the water is safe to drink...go ahead"

big brother takin' care of his lil' sis (Syd says "he is a good big brother")

nathan loves squeezin' his sis

...and sneakin' in a kiss

july...celebration time

some random shots from July (part 1)

the kiddies first experience with the dreaded bomb pop(sicle)

Syd proving that she fits in with the family

my how our little girl has grown up

Nathan showin' some love for his little sis

...and he has alot to give