Sunday, March 09, 2008

kyd syd video

in celebration of syd's first birthday...

a quick video from syd's first birthday

Sunday, March 02, 2008

endin' november on a high note

kiddies enjoyin' some quality time with each other...

the kids doing what they like to do

sibling fun

posin' for the camera

NEO stealin' a quick squeeze and kiss

"tofurky day" festivities...

some shots of the celebration

the results of mama's hard work

some post dinner fun

syd burnin come calories with a post-dinner dance

NEO geared up to go out and play in the snow

syd feelin' the post-tofurky blues

just admirin' her hand

NEO gettin' crafty...

NEO showing off some of his recent creations...

Syd preparin' to write up an offer for this one

in preparation for "tofurky" day

needin' 2 "canvas" to catch his inspiration

mountain times in november...

hikin' and relxin' in the mountains

ever determined to make it to the top of "that one"

startin the hike to the top

Syd's little legs needin a break

a shot along the path

dada sneekin' in a squeeze and kiss

fuelin' up and checkin; the mountain soil

takin' in the fresh mountain air

more fun at the "purple hill park"...

a day out at the park

NEO preparin' for a ride down the hill (of course in Syd's new car)

mama and syd enjoyin' some dine denver weather

a girl and her bows...

nathan discovers the love of putting bows in his sisters hair...(she loves it)

showin' off her stuff

can't seem to detach that hand from her head

the kyd turns the big "1"

syd had her first birthday celebration...she seemed to enjoy it.

nathan enjoyin' mam's "homemade" cake

enjoyin' her new wheels, with some help from big bro

fancy free livin' at age 1

more fun times

just opening some gifts

...onto more gifts

a bit of help from a seasoned veteran

dealin' with a little bit of a cake buzz

cake round 2

back to postin...

been some time, but have finally found the time to update the blog shots. to start off, we'll take you through november with some shots of the kiddies.

some quality squeeze time

more train time with a new haircut

syd sending her love

more sibling bonding

some pre-birthday kisses from the big bro